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Moderna and UK Gov. Collaborate on mRNA Production Facility

The UK government recently announced a partnership with biotechnology company Moderna to set up an m-RNA production facility in the country; while some see this as a step forward in technological advancement others worry about potential implications such as “techno fascism” coming from this collaboration.

A photo depicting two hands shaking against a backdrop of buildings representing modern technology

A photo depicting two hands shaking against a backdrop of buildings representing modern technology

The United Kingdom government has recently announced a partnership with the biotechnology company Moderna to set up an m-RNA production facility in the country. This move has been met with both praise and criticism, as some see it as a step forward in technological advancement while others worry about the implications of “techno fascism” that may come from this collaboration. The project is estimated to cost taxpayers millions of pounds, and Dr. John Campbell, an outspoken critic of the venture, has expressed his concern over having his taxpayer money spent on producing untested and potentially unsafe injections. He argues that there is no guarantee that these injections will be safe for human use, and thus questions why taxpayer money should be used to fund such research. Supporters of the project argue that this collaboration between Moderna and the UK government could lead to significant advancements in medical technology, which could benefit many people around the world. They point out that mRNA technology has already been used to develop treatments for various diseases, including cancer and HIV/AIDS, so they believe it could have a positive impact on public health if properly developed. However, critics are still wary of what this collaboration could mean for society at large. They fear that it could lead to further centralization of power in the hands of corporations or governments, leading to increased control over citizens’ lives through technology-based surveillance systems or other forms of techno fascism. It remains unclear what exactly will come out of this collaboration between Moderna and the UK government; however one thing is certain – it will be closely watched by both supporters and critics alike as its implications become clearer over time.