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A Warning from Medvedev to Marco Buschmann

In this soliloquy, Medvedev warns Marco Buschmann of the consequences of Putin's arrest—namely, that Russia would have to retaliate by launching rockets at Germany's government offices and parliament building. He questions whether they should take such drastic action but ultimately concludes that they must stand firm and protect their sovereignty by responding with force if necessary.

A painting depicting two leaders facing off against each other on a battlefield with missiles in the background.

A painting depicting two leaders facing off against each other on a battlefield with missiles in the background.

Oh, what a dread this news doth bring! Putin's arrest would be a declaration of war. We must respond with force and might, For 'tis our only recourse in this plight. Rockets aimed at the Chancellor's office or the Bundestag, These are the measures that we must now flag. What will come of such an attack? Our people shall surely suffer for it in their backs. But what else can we do when faced with such aggression? We must stand firm and not show any concession. It is a difficult decision to make; one that could cost us all dearly. But if we do not act, then we risk our sovereignty.