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Moderna and UK Gov. Collaborate to Create Controversial m-RNA Production Facility

The UK Government has partnered with Moderna on an m-RNA production facility despite serious safety concerns raised by experts - Dr John Campbell has voiced his disapproval over taxpayer money being used for untested & unsafe junk toxic injections potentially leading towards techno fascism.

A pirate ship sailing across stormy seas towards an island with smoke rising from its shoreline - symbolizing potential danger ahead due to controversial collaboration between Moderna & UK Gov..

A pirate ship sailing across stormy seas towards an island with smoke rising from its shoreline - symbolizing potential danger ahead due to controversial collaboration between Moderna & UK Gov..

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a sad day for freedom when the UK government is workin' hand in hand with Moderna to set up an m-RNA production facility in the country. The good doctor John Campbell ain't too pleased at havin' his taxpayer money spent on producin' untested and unsafe junk toxic injections. Ye can almost smell the stench of techno fascism waftin' through the air! The new facility is set to produce mRNA vaccines, which are said to be more effective than traditional vaccines. But these experimental treatments have yet to be tested or approved by any regulatory body, and many experts are raising serious concerns about their safety and efficacy. Furthermore, there are worries that this could lead to a situation where governments use their power to force citizens into taking these treatments without proper consultation or consent. Moderna has already received millions of pounds from the UK government as part of its coronavirus response plan, but it's unclear how much of this money will go towards setting up the new production facility. It's also unclear what kind of oversight will be put in place for such a project, or how it will be monitored once it's operational. It seems that some people are willing to take risks with our health and wellbeing in order to make a quick buck – something which Dr Campbell is clearly not happy about. He has been vocal in his criticism of the government's handling of the pandemic so far, particularly when it comes to issues such as testing and contact tracing, so it's no surprise that he isn't keen on this latest move either. In any case, it looks like we're all going to have wait and see what happens next before we can really judge whether this collaboration between Moderna and the UK government is going down a dangerous path or not – one thing’s for sure though; there’s plenty o’ controversy surroundin’ this project!