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Parental Intervention

This soliloquy reflects on the modern phenomenon of parents intervening in their grown children's lives by giving them gifts to help them find love and start families of their own.

A parent giving their grown child a gift as an intervention to help them find love.

A parent giving their grown child a gift as an intervention to help them find love.

What strange and curious times we live in, Where parents now must intervene. To spare their children's single plight, They give them gifts of love this night. A matchmaker’s gift they do bestow, In hopes that their child will soon know The joys of marriage and family life, That all may come without strife. No longer can the parents wait, For a son or daughter to find a mate. They must take matters into their own hands, And search for potential suitors' lands. It is like getting help for anything else, If math be the problem then hire a tutor else. So too with marriage and finding true love, Parents must now take flight like a dove.