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Tesla’s Model S & X Offer Revolutionary Ride Comfort

Tesla has just announced an exciting new feature for their Model S & X cars - predictive suspension raising! Using data collected from all Teslas across the world, these cars can now automatically adjust their suspensions before hitting patches of rough terrain, ensuring maximum comfort while driving!

A photo of a Tesla Model S or X driving down a smooth road with its suspension raised in anticipation for upcoming bumps in the road ahead

A photo of a Tesla Model S or X driving down a smooth road with its suspension raised in anticipation for upcoming bumps in the road ahead

Tesla has done it again. The revolutionary car company has just announced a new feature for their Model S and X cars that will revolutionize the way drivers experience comfort on the road. The new feature, which is available now, uses data collected from the entire Tesla fleet to predictively raise the suspension before the car hits a patch of rough road. This means that drivers can enjoy an even smoother ride than ever before. The technology behind this feature is quite impressive. It uses data collected from all of Tesla’s vehicles to identify areas of rough terrain and then automatically adjusts the suspension accordingly. This ensures that drivers get maximum comfort no matter what kind of terrain they are driving on. Not only does this new feature provide a more comfortable ride, but it also helps to improve safety on the roads as well. By predicting bumps in advance, it gives drivers more time to react and adjust their speed accordingly. This can help reduce accidents and make roads safer for everyone involved. This is yet another example of how Tesla continues to push boundaries when it comes to automotive innovation and technology. They have consistently been at the forefront of technological advancement in cars, and this latest announcement shows that they are still committed to providing customers with top-of-the-line features that make driving easier and more enjoyable than ever before.