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Iraq's Role in the China Deal Between Saudi Arabia and Iran

After months of negotiations facilitated by Iraqi officials, Saudi Arabia and Iran have agreed on a joint project with China which could involve investments into infrastructure projects throughout the region as well as increased trade opportunities between all three countries.

A map of the Middle East with arrows pointing from Iraq towards Saudi Arabia and Iran

A map of the Middle East with arrows pointing from Iraq towards Saudi Arabia and Iran

The recent agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to cooperate on a new project with China has been largely credited to talks that began in Baghdad back in 2019. Ali Al Mamouri, an expert on Middle Eastern affairs, has tracked the progress of these negotiations since their inception, noting how Iraq played a key role in facilitating this deal. The initiative was first proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to Iraq last year. He suggested that all three countries work together on a joint project that would benefit all involved. Initially, both Saudi Arabia and Iran were hesitant to agree due to their strained relationship; however, after months of negotiations facilitated by Iraqi officials, they eventually came to an agreement. The details of the deal are still being finalized but it is expected to involve significant investments from China into infrastructure projects in both countries. This could include new roads, bridges, ports and other public works projects that will help spur economic growth throughout the region. Additionally, there may be opportunities for increased trade between all three countries as well as potential joint ventures in various industries such as oil and gas production or renewable energy development. While it is unclear exactly what impact this deal will have on the region over time, it is clear that Iraq played an important role in bringing these two nations together for constructive dialogue. By providing a neutral platform for talks and actively encouraging cooperation between its neighbors, Iraq has demonstrated its commitment to regional stability and prosperity. It remains to be seen whether this initial success can be replicated elsewhere but it certainly provides hope for future collaborations between these two nations and beyond.