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Overshooting and Returning

This soliloquy speaks to the importance of following B.7.'s advice in the IPCC AR6 synthesis report - overshoot and return - in order to save our planet from disaster before it's too late.

A picture of a globe with an arrow pointing up and then down as if it were bouncing back from overshooting its target.

A picture of a globe with an arrow pointing up and then down as if it were bouncing back from overshooting its target.

O, what a weight of knowledge this report doth bring! The warnings so dire, the future looks bleak. What shall we do? How can we change our fate? We must turn to B.7., the key to our state. For therein lies the answer, the solution at hand; Overshoot and return is the plan that's been planned. We must strive for balance and not be too bold; Let us heed this advice before we grow old. It may seem hard but 'tis worth every effort; If we follow this path, our future will be brighter. The world is in peril, its fate hangs in doubt; But if we work together then there's hope about. Let us heed these warnings and act on them now; Overshoot and return is how we'll take a bow!