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Men, Look in the Mirror for Real Misogyny

An anonymous source recently declared that "real" misogyny lies within each man himself - prompting us all to take responsibility for our actions if we want true gender equality in our society today!

A close-up photo of a man looking into his reflection in the mirror with an expressionless face

A close-up photo of a man looking into his reflection in the mirror with an expressionless face

In a powerful statement on gender equality, an anonymous source has recently declared that “Men defining what a woman is, what women should and shouldn’t fear, what women should and shouldn’t say, what rights women should be fine with giving up and, of course, what constitutes ‘real’ misogyny: get a bloody mirror. That’s real misogyny looking right back at you.” This statement speaks to the pervasive problem of men trying to control the lives of women by dictating their behavior and choices. The truth is that no one can define who or what a woman is but the woman herself. Women have every right to make decisions about their own lives without being judged or shamed by anyone else. They have every right to speak their minds without fear of retribution or criticism from men. And they certainly don't need permission from any man to exercise their rights as human beings. Misogyny is not just something that happens between two people in an isolated incident; it's an attitude held by many men towards all women that needs to be addressed on a larger scale. It's time for men to take responsibility for their actions and recognize how they contribute to this oppressive system. It's time for them to look in the mirror and acknowledge how they are part of this problem before it gets any worse. We must all work together – both men and women – if we want true gender equality in our society today. We must call out sexism when we see it and challenge traditional notions of masculinity whenever possible. We must also create safe spaces where everyone can express themselves freely without fear of judgment or reprisal from anyone else – especially those who identify as male. Only then will we be able to move forward towards a more equitable future for all genders alike.