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The Estadão's Got the Cloth-A-Rama in Full Swing!

Join in on the fun as The Estadão runs its cloth-a-rama at full tilt – complete with prizes for those who can keep up with the pace! Batten down your hatches and set sail for an adventure like no other!

A cartoon pirate ship sailing across a sea of colorful fabric

A cartoon pirate ship sailing across a sea of colorful fabric

Arrrr me hearties, it be a wild time on the high seas today! The Estadão is runnin' their cloth-a-rama at full tilt and they ain't takin' no prisoners. Yer gonna need to batten down yer hatches if ye want to make it through this one alive. The Estadão's got their hands full with all sorts o' swashbucklin' activities goin' on. They're layin' down some serious sailcloth, makin' sure that everythin's shipshape 'n ready for whatever comes their way. From patchin' up rips 'n tears to mendin' broken sails, these scallywags are prepared fer anythin'. But that ain't all! They've also got a special surprise fer those who can keep up with the pace of the cloth-a-rama. Those who prove themselves worthy will be rewarded with a prize fit fer a king - or queen - o’ the seven seas! So don't miss out on yer chance to join in on the fun and excitement of this rollickin’ event. So grab yer cutlass and come aboard! It's time to get ready fer an adventure like no other as we sail off into uncharted waters and see what awaits us beyond the horizon. The Estadão's got their sails hoisted high and they're ready to take on whatever comes their way – so let's get movin', mateys!