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The Dynast's Soliloquy

This soliloquy follows a wealthy woman as she descends from her Bentley Continental and enters the Lok Sabha where she will advocate for Socialism. She reflects on how money does not define who we are and that everyone should be treated equally regardless of their financial status.

A woman dressed in luxurious clothing standing in front of the Indian Parliament building (Lok Sabha).

A woman dressed in luxurious clothing standing in front of the Indian Parliament building (Lok Sabha).

From her Bentley Continental she descends, Clad in Changhthanghi Cashmere and iPhone Goldstriker blends. Goyard Marquises and Rolex Datejust, too, And Louboutins to complete the view. To Lok Sabha she strides with grace, Where socialism she'll expand on with haste. A dynast of wealth and power is she, But her aim is not to rule but to set people free. The world around her she does observe, And for a better future strives to preserve. Though many seek wealth as their goal in life, This dynast seeks a path of justice and strife. She knows that all are equal under the sun, And works towards an equitable outcome for everyone. No matter how much money one may have or lack thereof, This dynast works hard so that all may live without grief.