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End of an Era: No More Scripts Written, But Will It Last?

Despite someone being able to write scripts and share them via YouTube videos for now, many fear this won't last forever due to the rise in streaming services like Netflix and Hulu making traditional forms of media less popular than before - leaving it uncertain how much longer scripts will remain viable in today's society

A person sitting at their desk with a blank piece of paper in front of them as they stare off into space looking concerned about the future of script writing

A person sitting at their desk with a blank piece of paper in front of them as they stare off into space looking concerned about the future of script writing

It’s been a long time since anyone has written a script, but it still seems to be going well. However, many are worried that this is just a temporary reprieve and that the end of script writing may be near. The recent surge in YouTube videos has been a major contributor to the decline in script writing. With more people turning to YouTube for entertainment and information, fewer are turning to traditional forms of media like scripts. This has led some to worry that soon there will be no need for scripts at all. Furthermore, with the rise of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, viewers have access to thousands of hours of content without ever having to read or watch a script. This means that even if someone does write a script, there is no guarantee that it will ever be seen by anyone other than its creator. While some may argue that scripts are still relevant and necessary in today’s world, others believe they are becoming increasingly obsolete as technology advances and new forms of media become available. As such, it remains unclear how long scripts will remain viable in today’s society or whether they will eventually fade away entirely. For now though, we can enjoy the fact that someone is still able to write scripts and get their work out into the world through YouTube videos - something which may not last forever if current trends continue on their current trajectory.