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Austin City Council Passes Resolutions to Increase Public Safety

The Austin City Council passed two public safety resolutions proposed by Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza today - one reinstating the license plate reader program and another related to human trafficking awareness and support services - making great strides towards increasing public safety in the city!

A picture of Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza smiling with a caption reading "Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza celebrates passage of two public safety resolutions".

A picture of Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza smiling with a caption reading "Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza celebrates passage of two public safety resolutions".

The Austin City Council made a huge step forward in increasing public safety today by passing two of Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza’s resolutions. The first resolution reinstated the license plate reader program, and the second was a resolution on human trafficking. The license plate reader program is designed to help law enforcement quickly identify stolen vehicles or those involved in criminal activity. It works by using cameras that are placed at strategic locations throughout the city and scanning license plates as they pass through these areas. This allows police to quickly identify any suspicious activity or vehicles that may be connected with a crime. The second resolution passed was related to human trafficking, which is an issue that has been plaguing the city for years. This resolution calls for increased awareness of the issue, as well as more resources dedicated to helping victims of human trafficking escape their situations and get back on their feet. It also includes measures such as increased funding for organizations working on this issue, better coordination between law enforcement agencies, and improved access to services for victims of human trafficking. Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza expressed her excitement about both resolutions being passed, saying “I am thrilled that my colleagues have joined me in taking action on these important issues facing our community today." She went on to say "These resolutions will help make our city safer and provide much needed support for victims of human trafficking." KEYE news covered the passage of both resolutions at 10pm tonight. Watch here: https://t.co/JtIQgwlF03