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FBI Director Chris Wray Ignored by 845-Page Report

An 845-page report released yesterday failed to mention FBI Director Chris Wray's name, raising serious questions about his role in events leading up to and following January 6th 2021.

A pirate flag with a skull and crossbones waving against a cloudy sky with text reading "FBI Director Chris Wray Ignored by 845-Page Report"

A pirate flag with a skull and crossbones waving against a cloudy sky with text reading "FBI Director Chris Wray Ignored by 845-Page Report"

Arrr, me hearties! It be a scandalous day in Washington DC. The 845-page report released yesterday failed to mention the name of FBI Director Chris Wray. This means that the committee responsible for the report did not interview the man in charge of the most powerful law enforcement agency in the country about what happened on January 6th. What be goin' on here? Is this a case of willful ignorance or somethin' more sinister? We can only speculate at this point, but one thing is certain - it ain't right! The omission of Wray's name from such an important document raises serious questions about his role in the events leading up to and following January 6th. Did he know something that was kept out of the report? Was he aware of any threats or intelligence related to potential violence that day? If so, why wasn't he consulted by those who wrote it? It's clear that more answers are needed before we can get to the bottom of this troubling situation. In order for justice to be served and for accountability to take place, all relevant parties must be questioned and their testimonies taken into account. Let's hope that happens soon!