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Avricore Health Revolutionizes Pharmacy Space with HealthTab™

Avricore Health has made great progress this year towards making actionable health data more accessible for everyone by expanding into over 400 pharmacies across Canada with plans for even more next year! Their Q3 results demonstrate significant revenue growth indicating they have what it takes to scale up successfully while delivering on long-term objectives using their innovative product, HealthTab™ which helps pharmacies manage patient records securely in one platform while allowing patients easy access to view medical history online in real time!

A close up image of a pill bottle against a white background with text overlay reading "HealthTab™: Revolutionizing Pharmacy Space"

A close up image of a pill bottle against a white background with text overlay reading "HealthTab™: Revolutionizing Pharmacy Space"

Avricore Health has made giant strides this year towards their mission of making actionable health data more accessible for everyone. With over 400 pharmacies across Canada, and even more to come next year, Avricore Health is disrupting the $1.6 trillion pharmacy space with their innovative product, HealthTab™. The company's Q3 results demonstrate significant revenue growth and indicate their ability to scale and deliver on their long-term objectives. CEO Hector Bremner said “This year we proved we could go from pilot to scale and do so reliably quickly and cost-effective”. HealthTab™ is a revolutionary product that helps pharmacies manage patient records, medications, prescriptions, billing information, insurance claims and other important data in one secure platform. It provides an easy way for pharmacists to access patient records without having to manually search through paper files or computer systems. The system also allows patients to view their own medical history online in real time. The product has been well received by both pharmacists and patients alike due to its ease of use and accuracy of data retrieval. Patients can easily keep track of their medication regimens as well as receive reminders when it's time for refills or checkups. Pharmacists are able to quickly access patient records which saves them time when filling prescriptions or providing advice on medications or treatments. Avricore Health plans on continuing its expansion into more pharmacies across Canada in the coming year while also exploring new markets outside of Canada where they can provide better access to health data for everyone around the world. To learn more about how Avricore Health is revolutionizing the pharmacy space with HealthTab™ watch the video below or read the full report here: [link].