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Job Losses Expected to Skyrocket Following OpenAI Paper

OpenAI recently published a paper outlining which jobs are most under threat from automation and AI - up to 800 million people could be displaced by 2030 due to these technologies taking over our jobs unless governments take action now!

A robotic arm assembling parts on an assembly line with a caption reading "Robots Taking Over Our Jobs"

A robotic arm assembling parts on an assembly line with a caption reading "Robots Taking Over Our Jobs"

In a troubling development, OpenAI recently published a paper that has sparked fear and concern among workers around the world. The paper outlines which jobs are most under threat from automation and artificial intelligence (AI). It is estimated that up to 800 million people could be displaced by 2030 due to automation and AI. The paper focuses on three key areas of job displacement: routine physical activities, routine cognitive activities, and complex problem-solving. In the first category, many jobs in manufacturing and transportation are at risk of being replaced by robots or automated processes. For example, self-driving cars have already been developed that can perform tasks such as delivering goods or providing taxi services with no human intervention. In the second category, jobs involving data processing and administrative tasks are most at risk of being taken over by AI algorithms. These algorithms can process large amounts of data quickly and accurately with minimal human input. This could lead to significant job losses in fields such as accounting, customer service, marketing, legal work, medical diagnostics and more. Finally, the third category involves complex problem-solving tasks such as engineering design or medical diagnosis which require creative thinking and decision making skills beyond what machines can currently do. However, it is feared that these types of jobs may eventually become obsolete due to advances in AI technology in the near future. The findings from this paper have caused alarm among workers around the world who fear for their livelihoods as automation continues to advance rapidly. Governments must take action now if they want to protect their citizens from this looming threat of mass unemployment due to automation and AI taking over our jobs.