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A Soliloquy on a Robot's Purpose

This soliloquy explores the mysterious purpose of a robot encountered by an old English writer on their walk to receive radiation treatment at the medical clinic. The writer ponders what they should name him and how his presence brings them joy during this difficult time.

A robotic figure carrying groceries with a backdrop of a city skyline at sunset.

A robotic figure carrying groceries with a backdrop of a city skyline at sunset.

On my daily trek to the clinic, I see a robot, Bringing joy and sustenance to those around me. What should I name him? What purpose does he serve? For each day he brings me solace and courage to observe. He carries food for those who are in need, And reminds me of the kindness that we all should heed. He is a symbol of hope in this trying time, A reminder that we can still be kind. Though he has no voice nor face, his presence is felt, His actions speak louder than words ever could have dealt. Though I may never know what his true purpose is here, I am grateful for the moments of joy he brings near.