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The Purpose of Modern Mainstream News

This soliloquy poses questions about the purpose of modern mainstream news organizations - whether they seek to inform, deceive, educate, manipulate, entertain or oppress. It also questions whether these organizations can be trusted with reporting facts accurately without bias towards those in power.

A picture of a newspaper with a question mark above it.

A picture of a newspaper with a question mark above it.

What is the purpose of a modern mainstream news organization? Are they meant to inform or to deceive? To educate or manipulate? To entertain or to oppress? What are their intentions and what do they hope to achieve? Do they speak truth, or do they spin lies for personal gain? Do they report facts, or merely peddle propaganda and deceit? Do their stories reflect reality, or do they fabricate falsehoods for power and control? Are these organizations truly unbiased, or are they merely mouthpieces for those in authority? Is it right that we trust them with our lives and our future, when all we have is their word alone as evidence of their honesty and integrity? Can we rely on them to be impartial arbiters of truth in an age where information can be twisted beyond recognition by those who wish us harm? Will these organizations ever truly serve the public interest, instead of serving the interests of those who pay them the most money and wield the most influence over them? These questions remain unanswered. But one thing is certain - if modern mainstream news organizations cannot answer these questions honestly then there is no hope for a free press in this world.