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Uncovering the Chabad-Sabbatean Jewish Cult

An anonymous user has gathered all their threads on the Chabad-Sabbatean Jewish cult into one place so people can easily learn more about it without having to search through multiple sources or threads

A photo showing two hands clasped together with a blue background featuring Hebrew writing behind them

A photo showing two hands clasped together with a blue background featuring Hebrew writing behind them

In a recent tweet, an anonymous user has gathered all the threads they have done on the Chabad-Sabbatean Jewish cult and organized them into a single thread. This user has stated that they will be pinning this tweet so that everything is easy to find. The Chabad-Sabbatean Jewish cult is a sect of Judaism that was founded in the 18th century by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. The group follows the teachings of Sabbatai Zevi, who claimed to be the Messiah and attempted to establish himself as such in 1666. The group’s beliefs are based on Kabbalah, which is an ancient form of Jewish mysticism. The Chabad-Sabbatean movement has been controversial throughout its history due to its unorthodox views and practices. Many mainstream Jews consider it to be heretical and outside of traditional Judaism. Despite this, it continues to have followers around the world today, particularly among Hasidic Jews in Israel and North America. The anonymous user’s thread provides an opportunity for people to learn more about this mysterious cult without having to search through multiple sources or threads. It includes information about its history, beliefs, rituals, and modern day followers as well as links to other resources for further study. This thread could prove invaluable for those interested in learning more about this fascinating yet controversial sect of Judaism. It serves as a great starting point for anyone looking to explore this topic further or gain insight into what makes up one of the most mysterious religions in existence today.