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Janet Yellen Announces No Bailout for SVB, FDIC Auction Underway

In a surprise announcement today, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen declared that there will be no bailout for troubled financial institution SVB; instead, an auction is underway where potential buyers can bid on purchasing them. Many are speculating if this could be part of a larger “Great Reset” effort by our government while we wait for results from tonight's auction

A picture of Janet Yellen making her announcement with headlines about SVB's troubles in background

A picture of Janet Yellen making her announcement with headlines about SVB's troubles in background

In a surprise announcement today, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen declared that there will be no bailout for the troubled financial institution SVB. The FDIC is currently taking bids in an auction for the company and we should know more by tonight. This news has sent shockwaves through the financial world and many are asking if this is part of a “Great Reset”. The situation at SVB has been deteriorating over the past few months as they have struggled to keep up with their debt payments. Despite numerous attempts to restructure their finances, they were unable to do so without outside help. This prompted them to reach out to the Federal Reserve for assistance but unfortunately, their request was denied by Chairwoman Yellen. This news comes as a major blow to investors who had hoped that a bailout would help stabilize SVB’s finances and allow them to continue operating as normal. Now, it appears that all hope is lost and that an auction may be the only way forward for the company. The FDIC has already begun accepting bids from potential buyers and it remains unclear who will end up purchasing SVB or what terms they will offer. The possibility of a “Great Reset” looms large over this situation as well, with many speculating that this could be part of a larger effort by the government to restructure our economy in order to create more stability and prosperity in the future. While it is too early to tell what impact this decision will have on our economy, one thing is certain: this news has shaken up the financial world and we can expect more developments in the coming days as we wait for results from tonight’s auction.