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The Dynast's Soliloquy

This soliloquy follows a dynast as they get out of their Bentley Continental dressed in Changhthanghi Cashmere and enter into Lok Sabha where they will discuss socialism's virtues while reflecting on their own privileged upbringing which has given them insight into both sides of inequality issues facing society today.

A woman wearing Changhthanghi Cashmere standing confidently outside a government building with a briefcase in hand.

A woman wearing Changhthanghi Cashmere standing confidently outside a government building with a briefcase in hand.

From her Bentley Continental, draped in Changhthanghi Cashmere, She strides forth with a confidence most sincere. Her iPhone Goldstriker tucked away in her Goyard Marquises, And Rolex Datejust adorning her wrist with finesse. Her Louboutins click-clacking as she moves through the door, To enter the Lok Sabha and spread Socialism’s lore. A regal figure of power and poise she appears to be, As she makes her way to the podium to speak of liberty. For a life of luxury has been bestowed upon this one, But it is not only wealth that makes this dynast so strong. It is the knowledge that comes from living such an opulent life, That gives her wisdom and understanding beyond any strife. The insight she gains from seeing both sides of the coin, Is what gives her strength when faced with political turmoil and ruin. She speaks of equality for all who inhabit this land; Of opportunity for those who are willing to take a stand; Of freedom for those oppressed by their station in life; Of justice for those wronged by prejudice and strife. For these are the values that make us human at our core; The ones we must fight for if we wish to remain evermore!