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Beijing Rejoices as Traffic Picks Up and Paranoia Fades

After months of lockdown due to COVID-19 restrictions, Beijing is beginning to show signs of life again as traffic picks up and paranoia fades away - an encouraging sign for all its residents!

A picture of a busy street corner in Beijing with people walking around wearing masks but looking happy nonetheless

A picture of a busy street corner in Beijing with people walking around wearing masks but looking happy nonetheless

Beijing is beginning to show signs of life again after months of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents are rejoicing as traffic has started to pick up and the paranoia that came with scanning health codes for entry into malls, restaurants, and other establishments has begun to fade away. The city’s streets have been noticeably busier in recent weeks, with more cars on the roads and people out and about. This is a welcome sight for many residents who had grown accustomed to the eerie quietness that filled Beijing during the height of the pandemic. Though there is still a long way to go before things return back to normal, this uptick in activity shows that Beijingers are determined not to let fear keep them from living their lives. Many citizens have taken it upon themselves to take extra precautions such as wearing masks when out in public or avoiding crowded areas where possible. It’s also important to note that while traffic may be picking up, it doesn’t mean people should let their guard down completely. There are still plenty of people coughing in public spaces so it’s important for everyone to remain vigilant when going out by continuing social distancing practices and washing hands regularly. Overall though, it appears that Beijing is slowly but surely making its way back towards some semblance of normality - something which will no doubt be welcomed by all its residents after months of staying indoors due to COVID-19 restrictions. With any luck, this trend will continue over time until life returns back fully back on track once again!