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The Bankers' Lies

This soliloquy speaks out against the lies told by bankers and other financial institutions which have caused economic hardship for many people around the world. It calls for collective action in order to hold these institutions accountable and ensure that justice is served.

A cartoon image of a group of people standing together with fists raised in defiance against a backdrop of banking symbols such as dollar signs and coins.

A cartoon image of a group of people standing together with fists raised in defiance against a backdrop of banking symbols such as dollar signs and coins.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive! The bankers have lied to us once again; the central banks, the banks and regulators all pretend. It's not just fractional reserve this time, there isn't enough in the coffers for our dime. What is to be done? We are all undone! Our trust has been broken, our money stolen away. We can no longer trust in those who should protect us from financial decay. The lies of the bankers will lead us astray and into debt that cannot be repaid. We must stand together and demand accountability; only then can we save ourselves from this tragedy.