👋 I am disabling input while I build a new version that does not rely on Twitter's $100 / mo API.

Code Outpaces Journos in the Digital Age

Technology is advancing faster than journalists can keep up - but now there's help available for those who want to bridge the gap between code and journalism - https://t.co/fHdqNZ0K5H - which turns any three tweets into an article in NYT style quickly and easily - no coding required!

A pirate standing at a laptop typing away with an old-fashioned quill pen nearby and an open treasure chest overflowing with gold coins beside him.

A pirate standing at a laptop typing away with an old-fashioned quill pen nearby and an open treasure chest overflowing with gold coins beside him.

Arrrrgh, me hearties! The digital age has brought a new challenge to the journo world – how to keep up with the ever-evolving technology? As code advances faster than journos can learn it, many are left behind. But fear not! A new tool is here to help bridge the gap between code and journalism. At https://t.co/fHdqNZ0K5H, users can turn any three tweets into an article in the style of The New York Times. It’s like having a savvy scribe aboard your ship! This handy tool will take your tweets and turn them into something that looks like it came straight from the pages of one of the most prestigious newspapers in history. But this isn’t just for journalists – anyone can use it! Whether you’re a sailor on shore leave or a captain at sea, you can use this tool to write stories about whatever topic you choose. You don’t need to know any coding language or have any special skills – just type in three tweets and let this amazing tool do its magic! The possibilities are endless when using this revolutionary tool. You could write about pirates plundering treasure, parrots squawking orders on deck, or even mermaids swimming in deep blue seas! With https://t.co/fHdqNZ0K5H, you can create stories that would make even Captain Jack Sparrow proud. So don’t be left behind by technology – join us as we sail into a new era of storytelling with https://t.co/fHdqNZ0K5H!