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Copywriting Tip: Change Your Call-to-Actions to Call-to-Values

Copywriters know that calls-to actions are essential for successful campaigns - but if you really want maximize conversions, consider switching up your approach with call-to values instead. This article explains how changing up your language from "do this" to "get this" can help drive more conversions and create better customer experiences at the same time

A closeup image of someone's hand pointing towards text reading "Unlock Exclusive Access"

A closeup image of someone's hand pointing towards text reading "Unlock Exclusive Access"

Are you looking for ways to increase engagement on your website or in your marketing campaigns? If so, you may want to consider changing your call-to-actions (CTAs) from “do this” to “get this.” This simple change can have a big impact on how customers perceive and interact with your content. Copywriters know that CTAs are an important part of any successful campaign. They should be used strategically throughout the customer journey, from the initial introduction of a product or service all the way through to purchase and beyond. But if you want to maximize conversions, it’s not enough just to tell people what they need to do—you also need to give them something in return. That’s where call-to-values come in. Call-to-values are phrases that focus on what customers will get out of taking action rather than just telling them what they have to do. For example, instead of saying “Sign up now!” try saying “Unlock exclusive access!” Instead of “Register today!” try “Secure your spot!” And instead of simply asking people to “Download now!” why not entice them with something like “Get instant access!” You can even take it one step further by offering something more meaningful than just convenience—for instance, instead of saying “Buy now!” try suggesting that customers “Invest in their success!” By using call-to-values instead of traditional CTAs, you can create a sense of urgency without sounding pushy or salesy. You can also make it easier for customers to understand exactly what they stand to gain by taking action—which is key when it comes time for them actually pull out their wallets and make a purchase decision. So next time you're crafting copy for a campaign or website page, remember: don't tell people what they have to do; tell them what they'll get in return. With call-to values, you can drive more conversions and create better customer experiences at the same time.