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Pandemic Exposes and Magnifies Pre-Existing Trends in Data Shortages and Turnover

Despite pre-existing trends in data shortages and turnover being magnified by the pandemic, there are still resources available to help those looking for more information on these topics including grants from certain states and initiatives from organizations like the Annenberg Institute at Kansas State University.

A colorful image featuring a person looking through a microscope with a bright light shining behind them

A colorful image featuring a person looking through a microscope with a bright light shining behind them

The pandemic has brought to light a number of issues that were already present before the outbreak. One of these is data shortages and turnover, which have been magnified by the current situation. Despite this, there are still resources available to help those looking for data on these topics. The Annenberg Institute at Kansas State University is one such resource, offering ED shortage data as well as other information related to data shortages and turnover. In addition, many states have resources available to help those searching for more specific information related to their region or state. For example, some states offer grants specifically designed to address data shortages in certain areas or industries. Other states may provide assistance with workforce development initiatives aimed at addressing turnover rates among certain demographics or industries. The pandemic has made it clear that we need to continue working towards solutions for the existing problems related to data shortages and turnover. By taking advantage of the resources available from organizations like the Annenberg Institute at Kansas State University as well as local state initiatives, we can work together towards finding solutions that will benefit everyone involved in the long run.